elrobertos erik Well put! I’m halfway through this (third sitting) and am whelmed. Said it before but I just don’t think his live sound translates to home listening. Interestingly Spotify play count of tracks strongly suggests most listeners sack it off before the midway point. Encouraging to us mere mortals to hear the occasional mix slightly (if briefly) out of synch too.
alistair elrobertos what kind of cretin would sack off the second half of a Digweed live set? It’s like stopping after the foreplay!
erik elrobertos I have to agree, what is a good set in a club is always rather flat when I comes to home listening
elrobertos alistair ’Sactly my thoughts. I was really surprised by the Spotify numbers. With 6 exceptions, there’s not a single play of any track past the 27th. Dunno if it only displays UK plays to me? But still…
ScottBailey Smallman1 same. CD2 wasn’t much better, although the Chris Fortier tracks b2b are dece. Will put Disc 3 on tonight, although not holding out much hope already.
gcw I’ve listened up to the end of cd3 so far. I can’t really say any track or segment has interested me, but that may change on a 2nd listen
ScottBailey I’m now 3 CD’s down and all I keep thinking is that this set is a bit of a mess. All over the place and seriously lacking in JOURNEY!
Millsy Sounds like it was recorded by the ward staff nurse while diggers was getting treated for pneumonia
Mad_Cyril Series has been wank from the get go. Genuinely surprised anyone bothers. The Pan Pipe Moods collection is far more appealing
Dry-Tinder Mad_Cyril Yes, I had a punt on the odd one every now and when they were cheap and I have never listened to most more than once. His sets don’t translate well for home listening.
Amps John’s sat reading this, mouth agog, thinking, ‘you cunts, you banged on about the vortex for beards, I deliver, and this is the thanks I get’.
RichM Millsy no, we just want a new MMiI year and a daytime London event each year. That should fit in with his plans. He is just ignoring us ☹️