
“The concept that ‘demand’ has to ‘drive’ the price of nudes sold by big-breastfed OnlyFans models, is pure evil capitalism when they could sell their wears at a reasonable price”.

Amps I work with a girl who looks just like Lauren Laverne, she is quite tidy to be fair

Where’s Sheridan Smith?

  • Amps replied to this.

    Echo You’re such a bunch of cry arses I couldn’t be bothered posting her.

    I’ll note no other fucker has bothered to post a single pic yet.

      Foxy Di is a decent choice.

      A friend told me


      OnlyFans, like much of our modern world, is a symptom of a decaying society that has turned even the most intimate aspects of humanity into commodities. This platform, celebrated by some as a tool for empowerment, is in reality just another cog in the relentless machinery of patriarchal capitalism. The bodies of women, already objectified in every corner of our culture, are now auctioned off in a marketplace driven by the unchecked appetites of male desire.

      Here, the fiction of “choice” is peddled as freedom. But it is not empowerment when the economic precarity of women forces them into the digital brothels of a parasitic system. This is not liberation; it is exploitation draped in a veneer of autonomy. OnlyFans does not challenge patriarchy—it reinforces it, perpetuating the age-old dynamic of men consuming women’s bodies as products. We must ask ourselves, what kind of society commodifies its most vulnerable members to feed the insatiable hunger of capitalist profit?

      OnlyFans is the logical conclusion of a system that has turned human lives, relationships, and bodies into commodities to be bought and sold. This is not progress. It is the deepening of our collective alienation, the reduction of human beings to mere content for consumption. In this world, even our most private selves are up for sale. And that, perhaps, is the most tragic aspect of all.

      (George Monbiot according to ChatGPT….. he has a point to be fair. )

        Can we get back to gees and boobies now?

        Send monbiot over to Benidorm, will really fuck him up!


        • Amps replied to this.

          Mad_Cyril Send monbiot over to Benidorm

          Bizarrely, a holiday I would go on. And I’m really not a fan of beach holidays.

          What appeals then? Cheap drinks and large breasted sixty somethings?

          • Amps replied to this.

            C_J George Monbiot according to ChatGPT

            That seems a spookily believable approximation of what one might imagine he would say.

            Any chance of a follow-up question specifically asking for what Monbiot would say directly to one of his left-wing disciples, eg Amps, if they shared such OnlyFans images? The more disapproving in tone the better, like a father chastising a wayward son.

            C_J I reckon he’s a decent pint. Posh bloke, privately educated, spotted it’s all bollocks and a massive detriment to the country, probably an interesting chat. Cold booze and milf action would just be a bonus. And besides, if you’re there for a week, Dénia is just up the road, we could get the boat over to Ibiza for a night. Me and George on the strip, meet the old work crew, happy days!

            Fucking hell, amps. A varied selection there. Not even sure using the phrase from the sublime to the ridiculous applies, as i would have to label one of them sublime. Are we only picking porn stars here or what? Who qualifies as a valid selection?

            • Amps replied to this.

              -si- Who qualifies as a valid selection?

              No rules, get stuck in. Can’t be any worse than @Smallman1’s trabs.

              C_J OnlyFans, like much of our modern world, is a symptom of a decaying society that has turned even the most intimate aspects of humanity into commodities. This platform, celebrated by some as a tool for empowerment, is in reality just another cog in the relentless machinery of patriarchal capitalism. The bodies of women, already objectified in every corner of our culture, are now auctioned off in a marketplace driven by the unchecked appetites of male desire.

              Here, the fiction of “choice” is peddled as freedom. But it is not empowerment when the economic precarity of women forces them into the digital brothels of a parasitic system. This is not liberation; it is exploitation draped in a veneer of autonomy. OnlyFans does not challenge patriarchy—it reinforces it, perpetuating the age-old dynamic of men consuming women’s bodies as products. We must ask ourselves, what kind of society commodifies its most vulnerable members to feed the insatiable hunger of capitalist profit?

              OnlyFans is the logical conclusion of a system that has turned human lives, relationships, and bodies into commodities to be bought and sold. This is not progress. It is the deepening of our collective alienation, the reduction of human beings to mere content for consumption. In this world, even our most private selves are up for sale. And that, perhaps, is the most tragic aspect of all.

              (George Monbiot according to ChatGPT….. he has a point to be fair. )

              Monbiot wrote all of that based on Amps’ Lucky Length thread? Fair play Georgio.

              BlainSA How to ruin a thread 101 Hugo Palmer 2024

              Amps I’ll note no other fucker has bothered to post a single pic yet.

              By way of an apology to Amps for ruining his thread, and to help alleviate his anger at no other pics having been posted yet, I thought to share the following - which I suspect will be to Amps’ fancy:

              Tip of the hat to Hugo, the only one to make any effort in here so far. Well done that man.