It’s not like Nas to bring a bit of FB on to the board, is it?


baggers44 Some good news - I hear that JD is now out of hospital and recovering.


baggers44 Good news mate. Last I heard was Sat/Sun and at that point (having lost someone in the same scenario) I didn’t know if he was going to make it.

baggers44 Brilliant news ….needs to have the mix between So in Love and Want me/Love Me from Ren2 on constant repeat to aid his recovery.

ScottBailey you know me v well! I was trying to persuade him to buy Everton! But I think he’s too wise for that !

    Nice. You reckon he’s out of hospital or just off the IVs? Looks like he’s still there.

    Waiting for a pic of him sat up in bed with Bedrock VS jim jams on, with a big smile on his boat to be sure he’s fine and dandy

      ScottBailey no post about an IV of Nugenix from you, Ed? I’m disappointed!

