ScottBailey you know me v well! I was trying to persuade him to buy Everton! But I think he’s too wise for that !

    Nice. You reckon he’s out of hospital or just off the IVs? Looks like he’s still there.

    Waiting for a pic of him sat up in bed with Bedrock VS jim jams on, with a big smile on his boat to be sure he’s fine and dandy

      ScottBailey no post about an IV of Nugenix from you, Ed? I’m disappointed!



      This is dedicated to you John….. Rising from your bed.

      Hope John has the weekend off to ensure he’s fit and firing for the Roundhouse!

      Imagine the scenes if he is wheeled in around 8pm, XDJ strapped to his chest, Bedrock beanie hat on.

      “Jesus wept”

      IndustryStandard Nice. You reckon he’s out of hospital or just off the IVs? Looks like he’s still there.

      Generally speaking with infections, you don’t need an inpatient bed if you don’t need IV antibiotics. Hospital stays in the States are more ‘nuanced’ than managing a limited resource like over here in the NHS though.

      • Dan replied to this.