Hi John John Digweed I’m glad you are better! I checked your Facebook page every hour. What you stand for is always encouraging musicians to represent the genre and push its boundaries. Without you, without Bedrock and Transitions, this world would be different, electronic music would not have developed so much, because there is no other person who can hold it together so enthusiastically. Thank you for the inspiration that the world is better with you, thank you for being an icon to me. I am proud that you are my favorite. It’s the karma of fate that the patch on your hand is shaped like Bedrock Records 👍😉

Not my words, the words of Horváth Zoltán in Digweed’s Facebook comments.

Smallman1 lol. I read this to Coldplay’s ‘Fix you’ while looking out of a train soaked window.

  • erik replied to this.

    ‘I am proud that you are my favourite’


    Some lovely comments from his fans and followers.

    He really is loved!

      Millsy ‘Keep away from the darkie nurses’. DJ Matt Black


      Erik’s lol doesn’t count as it’s for the previous comment. Happy with a seven loller though. Will sleep tonight!

      LT42 You fucking what!! Nope. Proper doctor. Even had the pleasure of working with Dutchy’s brother. Its a very small world.

      I don’t like to speculate on actual cases of ill health. There was a lot going round facebook that was probably partially true but really is not that spectacular for a pneumonia. No point in adding any fuel to any fire. Plus a load of cranks going on about covid denial and all kinds of weird stuff.

      Main thing is JD is on the mend.

      Don’t forget to leave a fawning, homoerotic message on his Facebook, bens.

      Smallman1 hopefully he reads this board too, and gets a dose of reality

      • Dan replied to this.