Digweed ill
Fucking lol.
An 8 killer? Done: LOL
Erik’s lol doesn’t count as it’s for the previous comment. Happy with a seven loller though. Will sleep tonight!
LT42 You fucking what!! Nope. Proper doctor. Even had the pleasure of working with Dutchy’s brother. Its a very small world.
I don’t like to speculate on actual cases of ill health. There was a lot going round facebook that was probably partially true but really is not that spectacular for a pneumonia. No point in adding any fuel to any fire. Plus a load of cranks going on about covid denial and all kinds of weird stuff.
Main thing is JD is on the mend.
Don’t forget to leave a fawning, homoerotic message on his Facebook, bens.
If I was Digweed and read the FB group comments I wouldn’t leave me bloody house in fear of my life……that nut job bird who broke into his house from Maidstone being a great example.
Are you saying he was likely poisoned? The plot thickens
If I can’t have you, noone can
baggers44 Splendid. A JC trestle table near the car park will do.
We’re also happy to share that John Digweed is feeling much better and is absolutely ecstatic to be joining us next Friday for what’s set to be one of the night’s of the year.
Franky Wah stood down.