I was at that night in 2004 but my missus was “tired” and had to leave about 4 after only an hour of Diggers. The cunt.

The Live In London was up there in terms of overall nights out- but Fabric 2004 was another level. Remember speaking to Jon Lisle on the way out who had just had his head blown off as much as I had. Recall him saying “What the fuck was he playing? It was like proper German Techno”

It was. Absolutely relentless. The crowd was the best Fabric crowd I’d experienced too. Magic

    Hearing Guy Gerber Stoppage Time for the first ever time on that system at 8.30am before Laurent Garnier Crispy Bacon. He had to throw the last few tracks in halfway through the last one as they were trying to shut it down.

    He was on a mission. Ledge.

    The fact he turned up and honoured his UK gigs last weekend despite his condition says all you need to know about him. Cap doffed. Absolute fucking ledge

      Old-Dutch Seen Guy Gerber live at Fabric playing Stoppage Time was a moment.

      Much as I like Fabric and have had some proper great nights there, dunno that it features in my top five, but probably makes it into the top ten. Fascinating I know.

      Old-Dutch Diggers playing Stoppage time at Bedrock 25 last year was a moment only bettered when he played Counting Comets. His solo sets these days piss all over Sasha’s.

        Alistair went to Sasha at Fabric last year and didn’t stop talking about it for about 3 months.

        alistair Diggers playing Stoppage time at Bedrock 25 last year was a moment only bettered when he played Counting Comets.

        Was fucking amazing tbf.

        Old-Dutch he played some stuff like that in 2006 at Fabric, I’ve never heard him play stuff like it anywhere else

        Echo Haha - “quick Shanice get your phone out & film it, theyre playing slowed down version of Craig David - get it on insta NOW”

        I hope they all meet a Ginger cunt, in jeggings, in a botanical gardens soon.

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