Another great angle…
BlainSA It’s not an age thing - you approve, yeah?
I’ve got 3 minutes of Leftfield - Life while my phone was in my pocket.
The funny thing with people filming at clubs, for years I always thought that it was stupid and a waste of time. I suppose back when people started doing it the video and sound quality was awful, for me it just didn’t make sense. These days I feel the total opposite. It’s actually very enjoyable watching them, especially if it is at an event that I attended. They give a great memento of the night. I wish that there was footage of many of the events that I attended in the 90s. A lot of people from back in the day complain about it (even Digweed) I would rather stand next to someone creating great footage, than someone drowning out the music with an air horn or whistle that’s for sure.
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Always wondered why a venue can’t just set up a recorded stream, like some festivals do, so you can view back later. Sure it’d be something to do with music copyright, but if people could go to clubs knowing they didn’t have to get their phone out because they could watch back at a later date, surely it would get rid of all this nonsense?!
ScottBailey possibly copyrights. Glastonbury would be agreed as part of their contract.
It’s probably something along the lines of having a public broadcasting license that a Radio Station would have, but then they would have to make reasonable efforts to pay the copyrights.
Along_the_Wire what about Tomorrowland and Loveland? DJ’s playing other people’s music..
ScottBailey Pre-approved with the TV rights.
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Dry-Tinder it’s a matter of perspective really. Memory is a funny old thing.
For example, If I heard recordings of those amazing long sets Sasha used to play at fabric whilst stone cold sober they would no doubt lose some of the magic.
Smoke and mirrors of the art are gone. Similar to what happened with the advent of internet trainspotters.
Yep. The truth of the matter is that there’s no substitute for being there to experience it in the moment.
The best set I’ve ever heard was Digweed at Fabric in June 2004. Pretty much anyone I’ve spoken to who was at that is in agreement on this. I think it was Presto on the old board saying he didn’t care if it did get released as it wouldn’t be the sane but nothing “has ever or will ever come close to it” in terms of the set and atmosphere.
Listening back to Digweed’s London LiveIn mix after being there that night for sure evokes memories, but I reckon the Fabric 2004 night should be left to the experience. Especially after all these years now
Old-Dutch I was DJing at a mate’s 40th when Diggers did the Live London thing. Fucking gutted. I have about half a dozen early Bedrock nights in my vague memory that piss all over any night I’ve been to
I was at that night in 2004 but my missus was “tired” and had to leave about 4 after only an hour of Diggers. The cunt.