RichM bosstrabs that balut looks so disgusting. Had a few opportunities to try it but absolutely no chance.
ScottBailey Few things at a Chinese wedding I’d rather not try again. Sea cucumber and abalone being some.
rhouses I’m almost disappointed in myself that I haven’t had anything on that list, even the generic American shite. Also a testament to Indian food that there isn’t a single Indian dish on that list (unless i missed it, a little drunk as we speak).
rhouses Mad_Cyril sounds tasty tbf but methi is dangerous for me. My armpits end up smelling like it for about a week when I have it, and I sometimes think this might be a reason why a lot of Indians smell like curry. But still, it’s a bit of carbs with masala and diced vegetables, pretty low key compared to a rotten bird embryo. And a little more character than a pizza strip.
Mad_Cyril rhouses But still, it’s a bit of carbs with masala and diced vegetables, pretty low key compared to a rotten bird embryo. Exactly. Seems an odd one to throw on the list! Must admit, I love methi in veg dishes, especially with Aloo. It’s a bit like crack!!