A lovely coffee break read . I might have to go at some point. In?

Some vids on YT full of absolute trogladytes. Has anyone been?

Some gems in there.

“To anyone reading these answers, all the people involved are much, much,much less attractive and much older than you are imagining”

Bloke I worked with shagged his school dinner lady at one of these. He bumped into her walking back to his room and she sucked him off there and then.

    Dan it’s spittin’

    She probably had no teeth so it glided off her gums.

    • LT42 replied to this.

      Not the first time he got Spotted Dick off her i imagine.

      Dan lol. The thought gave me a slight horn. I won’t lie.

      I always thought the “Tidy” weekenders sounded particularly grim.

      Not gonna lie, makes me proud to be British. No other country does this sort of thing as well as us. Burning Man etc can fuck right off when we’ve got back to the 90s at Margate Butlins. Ah bosh!

      The People’s Glastonbury


      Hilarious. Bell & Spurling 🤣

      What a mad character Farage is.

        LT42 our new PM! Hurry up election, let’s GET THEM OUT!

          Millsy nailed on isn’t it. Have a great day, guys.