• Kitchen Sink
  • Jaded Clubbers Presents: Stage One, A Club Night

Smallman1 Grant, IS, is there any chance you can move the entire night and booking to either July or August for Dave?

Let us know!

So is this happening or what?

No updates as yet…

    Not to put a downer on anything but isn’t this just going to be a massive cockfest?

    The one bird will be Kelley77, flying in from the US, mopping up pure attention as the only burd on the dancefloor.

      Wally About fucking time, Wal!

      60% sold - Nick Muir is doing a Super Tuesday this week, so will give them a boost. If you want to go grab them now

      • erik replied to this.

        bosstrabs Oh, and Smallman’s ‘Julie’

        She’s not coming Dave, not a fan of the wrecking ball prog!

        5 days later