rhouses Wonder how Smalls feels knowing that a life-time of hot chocolate and watching some footie has funded WWIII.
Smallman1 rhouses Wonder how Smalls feels knowing that a life-time of hot chocolate and watching some footie has funded WWIII. And a lol for Rhouses!
BlainSA Old-Dutch Dennis Wise was one of my neighbours. Had two massive dobermans and he used to walk them every day. Imagine the sight… He wasn’t the tallest of guys.
mono-stereo bosstrabs Why is it Chelsea football club attracts such awful fans? They are literally scum.
hugopal David Squires is one of the very few decent things left in the Guardian. His latest cartoon about Chelsea’s sale is excellent: https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2022/mar/08/david-squires-on-the-sale-of-chelsea-and-tough-times-for-those-poor-oligarchs
Wally hugopal opens with a deliberate half quote from Amanda Stavely. Presume it’s downhill from there.
Christian Chelsea wherever you maybe, not long now till bankruptcy, back to where you were in 2003, a shit club with no history
hugopal Wally it’s a cartoon, and the real full quote is hardly any better. It seems like you’ve been taking lessons from Blain in making dumb comments about dodgy owners of football clubs.
BlainSA hugopal SHUT THE FUCK UP, HUGO Lol, if you choose to make up an argument about something else in your head then by all means go ahead. Just don’t expect people to entertain it. Hugs
Amps Has something flown up Klopp’s hoop? Proper chewing on everyone’s sack for every wrong touch. The fact that Salah is replying to him from the goal line is a bit mad. Milner just subbed on. Absolute liability. Pray this is his last season, if not his last game.
alistair Amps Milner’s been a quality player for us over the years. Any reason why you seem to despise him?
-si- Amps Milner just subbed on. Absolute liability. Pray this is his last season, if not his last game. Eh?