baggers44 LT42 Chloe is still going- making new tunes , running a label and vinyl shop in Seattle , reminiscing about her prog days on Twitter. She is sound. She said that from her dealings with him diggers was a truly lovely bloke.
IndustryStandard Im hearing Derrick May getting called out on Twitter for being a bit “party hands”. Im not on Twitter so cant confirm. Might be BS.
-si- Are party hands when you accidentally end up fingering some hottie when you only went into the toilets to do a line?
Hursty -si- When you say hottie, you really mean an absolute filthy slag, which lets face it, thats what really matters!
Smallman1 Zackster will be on the floor when he hears Derrick May is techno’s answer to Jimmy Savile.
Dan Smallman1 He was playing up in Croatia a few years ago. One decent tune( back in 88) doesn’t gives you the right to harass every bird at Barbarella’s. Pest
IndustryStandard I remember reading a Mixmag interview with Derrick May basically ogling and making remarks about every woman in the place the interview was taking place. The interviewer signed off the article lauding his techno godfather status but querying his pervy nature. Thought that was a bit odd reading it at the time. Crazy in this day and age pervs like him still get away with it……think thats him done.
Smallman1 If MC hadn’t of already done a terrific g strings gag earlier I could have shoe horned it in ref G Strings of Life. Onwards!