Chloe and I are mates as well. Known her since her days posting on the old GU Board, met her in person, frequently chat and interact, etc. She recently lost her son (who was the same age as my son) and has had a really rough go of things over the past few years as a result, so she’s been more tense than usual.
She isn’t the type of person who backs down from her opinions - of which are strong and many surrounding issues like animal rights and social justice. I forget what the source of the argument was that Chloe and Mr. C got into originally, but Richard didn’t fair so well with some of the shit he was saying and she was rightfully pretty offended, called him out on it and then he got a bit bitter and called her a cunt.
At the end of the day, it was two people arguing on the Internet and it went sour pretty quickly. I don’t think Mr. C was intentionally misogynistic, but intent or not doesn’t always equate to the crime being committed.
The whole #metoo and #blacklivesmatter movements have changed the parameters within which we as a society operate. Whether or not that’s good or not (I believe it’s largely good) remains to be seen.