Is there any option whereby if a post receives lots of ‘Thumbs down’ hits, the post is somehow relegated.

I’m trying to think of ways the board can better self police, rather than the mods have to wade in and delete/ban people.

Yeah that’s part of the gamification stuff, so posts can be sorted by “hotness” which is calculated by how popular/unpopular posts are, as well as the number of posts in thread.

Time is also a factor, so newer posts with the same “hotness” will bump to the top.

Think those rankings need to be a ‘per capita’ or ‘per post’ style aggregation. The spammers are going to have a field day.

Can we get some more structure?

The old board had two distinctive sections (general discussion and tunes & mixes) that worked really well.

    Disagree. I really like that all threads are presented on a single page, but annotated so I can see which segment they belong to.

      Keep at it, ed! It will all click into place soon, mate!

      Smallman1 Can we get some more structure?

      The old board had two distinctive sections (general discussion and tunes & mixes) that worked really well.

      I thought the same, but I’m definitely coming round to it as it is.

      can we factor in a lolpp algorithm?

      Smallman1 If you are using your phone, clicking on the bit at the top that says “All discussions” allows you to select “General”, “Music” or whatever.

      It’s Just like selecting the general discussion or tunes n mixes on the old board.

      If you want it to be set to “General” by default, just bookmark the site, having selected the general section.

        I’m setting mine to “Muscular” by default.

        Matt yup basically what Matt said. You can change your view to just show either music or general chat if you like.

        I kind of prefer seeing both personally.

        vinnyt77 Disagree. I really like that all threads are presented on a single page, but annotated so I can see which segment they belong to.


        Are all the old posts being migrated over or is this it?

          SM001 Are all the old posts being migrated over or is this it?

          This is it unless someone knows how to do it.

          Yeah it’s not possible to export stuff from proboards free service as far as I can make out.

          vinnyt77 me too, i like this format, it’s easier to keep up without switching pages.

          Fantastical.No idea we were moving and Im a 53 year old Essex Gammon Ludite in totality, who still uses lotus 123 files to record the hygiene methods of the 17 year old girl next door with the flaming red pubis , yet i had the tech skills to find the new Forum.

          It’s Fate… My Steve Strange book fell off my bookcase today while i was refitting the carbon dioxide alarm, smashing my wifes jo malone bergamot candle on the book shelf below.

          it’s clear from the celestial ley lines that Steve is asking to swap the bergamot with a jasmine, myrrh & tonka combo and that Jaded Cubbers had moved.

          Good to have you on board chief!