zackster …always been prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt, seemed to get a tough time from a lot of folk, and she’s knocked-out a couple of decent remixes, however, read the original Guardian piece and its pretty embarrassing, feels like such a cynical effort to get a pat on the back for not doing very much at all

    Unbroken1 agreed. Hearing her RA exchanged from a few months ago totally turned me off. She defines virtue signaling.

    Dunno why it took her so long to realize her name is cringey as all hell and was always a terrible idea. Race relations in this country are not great (well, they aren’t anywhere, really); one has to be a complete dope to be white and to think it’s a good idea to call yourself “The Black” anything. Utterly tone deaf.

    At least the Chiefs have finally realized overweight white dudes who think they invented “BBQ” (as in “cooking food with a fire”) shouldn’t be wearing Indian headdresses to sporting events.

    hugopal of course. To the simple mind they go hand in hand. All about togetherness and understanding. Not a clue (at least won’t say so) that woke culture is all about oppression and shame.


    What do you mean not really? That’s totally incorrect. It really boils down to being sound to others, treat them as you want to be treated in return. Don’t need ludicrous terms to build it up into something it isn’t.

      -si- you asked what it meant and now you are telling me what it means. Which way do you want it professor?

      Poor old Si.

      Still struggling with this message board game.

        Could be onto something here Zack.
        If we all had a universal index score for;

        Scale of 1-10, determined by algorithm. Then we’d be able to easily identify twats and avoid subject to our tolerance.



        Got a good example for NLB…

        Montye Python has been retro actively canceled for dressing like women. They took acting jobs from actual women, and are making light of something that deeply effects real life trans individuals.

        This is not a joke. John Cleese has addressed it

        Now I ask you Si: is this an attempt by others to gain attention by taking something wildly out of context or is it simply “being sound towards others” or what ever it is you said?

          Mad_Cyril Unlike you brother, a paragon of originality, subtley and nuance


          It’s bollocks Zack.

          Bowing to the professionally offended.

          You’ll be suggesting they should be aloud to vote next.


          That’s something I don’t really understand. Re-litigating the past with the gaze of modern standards. Like, we’re supposed to be better. That’s the point. Learn from the past and be better.

          Jefferson and Washington owned slaves. Well so did just about everybody who had money. That’s just what happened. I don’t see the point in getting in an argument with a ghost who’s been dead for 200 years. Who, pray, should we name things after? At this point I’m like fucking nobody. MLK had issues with domestic violence and god only knows what he thought about homosexuality. John Muir said poor things about Native Americans. Those two also did a mountain (in Muir’s case, quite literally) of things for people.

          I guess I don’t like the arrogance of it. ’Cause guess what. People in about a hundred years time are going to look back on us and say: monsters! Our use or plastic. How we treat animals. Hell, how we treat the ground we’re stuck on. Oil consumption. All of it. So before one starts teeing off on some dead guy, maybe get a modicum of perspective. Especially when it comes to comedy and satire.


          What do you mean by or whatever it is I said? Did you not read it?

          Poor Ed. Another thread, another whipping.



          Thats what that is, zack. Embarrassing.

          Dont hate the player, zack. Hate the game, mate.