Black Madonna is an absolute moron. Now thats someone I can get behind hating.
Oh Nina no
I like her remix of that one track for Ostgut Ton. Corker.
She was aggressively anti Bernie yet openly complained about not having the things he was pushing for. Totally brain damaged. Got her self run off of twitter which was beyond satisfying.
Kells77 you do give a fuck that’s she’s pretty, you mentioned it earlier.
The list of female DJs and producers is tiny, listing half a dozen who are better doesn’t solve the problem. Let her get on with it, she’s making a living and people rock her sound - not interested personally
Kells77 Because she’s pretty.
Along_the_Wire Agreed, good luck to the girl and congrats on the sucess so far. I normally turn her (and most of the other DJs in this genre) off after about 10 minutes of intrigue as I don’t get it, but music (as with the other arts) is subjective and it’s is probably why she’s killing life and I’m still in a 9-5 ha!
Along_the_Wire Ok fair enough….I don’t like that she’s a shitty dj that gets gigs because she’s pretty. There. I said it.
I would like her if she were actually talented, but she’s not.
Yeah I guess I just don’t care what she thinks about things. The day I look to The Black Madonna for policy breakdowns is the day I throw myself off of Half Dome. But if she can knock out a decent set and a remix here and there, cool.
jonattonyeah tune
Kells77 She’s a shitty DJ that plays shitty music to a crowd that fucking loves it. Let her have her time in the sun.
Along_the_Wire Hahaha….fair enough. I’m not forced to listen.
I’m a shitty DJ that plays brilliant music to people that don’t give a shit. It’s no life.
How far did Diggers get off of looking like an incredibly attractive potato?
Kells77 She’s an entertainer. She entertains. How some can be entertained for hours on end by the sounds she puts out will leave many shrugging their shoulders (myself included), but part of me thinks the music being played isn’t always the priority these days. Be there to be seen (see instagram)…..
Along_the_Wire LOL I suppose that would be true. You can always be your own audience, and then you play to an awesome crowd every time! Success!
ScottBailey Yeah, maybe I’m just old. The music is pretty much my only priority when I go out lol
But does G-man rock a decent pair of shoes whilst DJing.
I have a problem with her playing a load of covid gigs.
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jonattonyeah see I need musicians to be 100% in line with my views, or they are right out. Its why I’m such a fan of Boyd Rice.
Kells77 May I suggest you see DJs you know will hit the spot with their music policy and their mixing? This Nina bird doesn’t sound like she’s up your straße