nicksneddon 8/10 in the end for me but I was definitely having moments of 6/10 ‘maybe put this down and play something else’ earlier in the game when I was hitting similar ‘wtf do I do here?’ walls. There’s a lot to take in and I found I had to mentally accommodate that it’s a PC mouse and keyboard game that’s not really suited to consoles. (I played it on PS4) as well.

The actual ending to the story is pretty shit but there’s some good stuff going on during the game if you stick with it and get your head around it.

Along_the_Wire was a bit relentless iirc. Think I just managed to find a spot where I could camp out and not get hit roo much.

a month later

Finished ‘Ghost of Tsushima’ the other day - great stuff. Originally wrote it off but picked it up when my gamedev mates were raving about it. Well worth picking up.

    Wally Loved it. Need to go back to it and try out the DLC, but currently busy with Guardians of the Galaxy, which is WAY better than I’d expected it to be…

    9 days later
    a month later

    Unreal Engine 5 tech demos look just superb…

    It is indeed - It’s causing a huge stir in game dev circles at the moment.

    Loads of shiny bells and whistles obviously but the big thing for game dev is Unreal are trying to demonstrate an asset creation system where assets can be auto generated to photo-realistic fidelity (all the buildings are computer generated rather than hand made) and for prop objects, we’ll never had to make them again because they aren’t going to look any better down the line.

    It’s something developers have been hoping for, for a long time. Generating a city takes a phenomenal amount of effort and it’s like reinventing the wheel every time. A lot of art work is outsourced to studios in India at the moment but I can see the next revolution being that we don’t need to create anything any more as we’ve already got what we need. It’ll be fascinating if that gets pulled off.

      Wally Intresting. I bet the majority of the work in a game like GTA is getting the City created? Will the next GTA be using the unreal engine or does it use it’s own? I guess the advantage of using your own engine is that you have more control over performance optimisation etc?

        mono-stereo I can neither confirm nor deny anything about what our next project is but all R* projects use our in house engine - RAGE - (Rockstars Awesome Game Engine lol).

        And yeah, doing the ‘world’ for a game is a huge undertaking. The art team work their nuts off.

          Wally Given your recent outsourcing fail I’m guessing you’ll be sticking to an in house engine 😋

          Along_the_Wire It’s not an RPG really - more of an open world action game. There’s a minor upgrade system and a few different costumes but nothing too complex. It holds your hand for pretty much everything - you’ll never get lost or not know what to do. It’s very good. I would definitely jump in.

            All I wanna know is who else has got PS5 and has pre ordered Eldon Ring? Where my Tarnished at?!