Hi guys,
This Sunday I’m doing a show from my home “Melodicast Episode 4” where I’m sharing brand new (and new to me) Progressive House. Unlike my recent beach sets, these will start melodic and end up in the driving/euphoric corner. This is how I play in a club.
Was having a practise with some older tunes last night without the cameras set up properly so you can get a taste of what the vibe will be.
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I’ll be playing through a sunset in Cyprus, hence the time - Join us Sunday 3pm GMT.
The support from everyone has been first class, so I’ll do my best to help you hear music you don’t always get to find out about and have a load of fun.
📱 Smartphone
💻 Laptop
📺 Smart TV
JOIN HERE (at the time)
ICS - https://twitch.bitnulleins.de/df440a095f30d08d3e2f4e98dc410524
Google Cal - https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=NzhoZWs1czA3ZmdvZjIzMGloN3BrMmZ1MTIgOGZocW5xam9jYWU5NGk0czR0bWp0bTB2cDBAZw&tmsrc=8fhqnqjocae94i4s4tmjtm0vp0%40group.calendar.google.com
I have this set up to ensure all royalties go to artists (thanks to Kuvo and Youtube).
If you’re up for it, see you on the poolside!
n x
#melodicast #nasseralazzawi #progressivehouse #sudbeat #balkanconnection #subandrio #hernancattaneo #deepprogressive #headsdown #proghouse #proghousemusic #soundgarden #soundgardenofficial #fabriclondon #peaktimeprog #raving #djlife #djlivestream #limassolcy #limassolmusic #poolside