bosstrabs Big shout out to this, a warm-up for my nights out in 1999, probably the first year I was properly out clubbing every week (pretty much)…
Kells77 I always have a hard time deciding if I think something has an enduring quality because it actually does, or because I enjoyed it so much in the past that the nostalgia is the one thinking it still sounds fresh.
Along_the_Wire Introspective of House series, the Retrospective of House series, House Collection Volume Two and Perfecto Fluoro for me
ScottBailey Along_the_Wire almost posted this, but I thought it might make the fan-boys overly excited: -
Smallman1 zackster pff step to me when I’ve got my dawgs Rhouses and Ed backing me up. Two heavy hitters. Quite literally in Rhouses’ case.
TitianWarrior LTJ Bukem and MC Conrad - Progression Sessions Vol 1. Spectacularly brilliant, and Conrad makes it better. I think I’m on my fourth copy, and no longer lend people CDs. “You’re locked into this mystic vibe…”.