Smallman1 Saw Fergie play to about 8 million people in a tent the size of Manchester at Godskitchen’s Global Gathering years ago. It was absolutely fucking awful.
Old-Dutch These threads are seriously unreal. How the fuck are you finding the time to listen to all of these mixes? lol.
jonattonyeah Old-Dutch I’m like 80% COVID these days which makes for far more computer time than I’m used to. Adding exercise on there and I can get through a few in a day without much problem. It’s not always fun, mind.
zackster bosstrabs considering it appears he only Djs in Ireland these days, I think he looks pretty good.
mono-stereo alistair Indeed. I heard him play in crasher a few times. A mixture of hands in the air euro trance and pots and pans Techno. No one seemed to really mind what he played as everyone in the place was completely off their tits.