• Music
  • The New Artist Album Thread

I did like one of his boiler Room sets. Sounded well heavy.

Homegrove I started my day of de la soul with breakfast. Almost done 3 feet high, going through as many of their albums as I can today. Always loved their vibe, really similar to early arrested development and digable planets.

It’s hard to overstate how good this album is/was, especially for ‘89. Had a lot of their stuff on tape, but haven’t listened to it in ages, it’s going to be a good day.

    I like it. Just not blown away by as I was with Anima Mundi. Zukunftsstraße is superb. As is the last track. But will probably take quite a few listens to get into it. However, deffo a better album to be playing out.

      Henry home listening for me. Doesn’t go too well with my Beatport top 10 selection (as someone said about my mixes).

      Can’t imagine who would say such a terrible thing. 😐

      Henry I need to give it another dedicated listen, but that was my first impression too. It’s good, but nowhere near anima mundi.

      303abuser Pretty much how I was spent this with the little one in morning… Stakes is High & 3 Feet High. Stellar albums. Never gave them the attention they deserve, just like MF Doom. Happy to be deep diving the discog now. Stakes is High is uffff.

        Dubman thought this was rubbish, except for a couple of tracks. Was due to see them in April, but luckily there is a train strike, so will be giving it a big S to the werve

        Orbital have been playing the same set for 25 years, will never see them again.


        rhouses I grew up on 3 feet high, it’s one of the albums that really got me into hip hop.

        6 days later

        Is that Moufang album any cop D-Man?

        This is absolute dog shit, absolutely horrific -