• Music
  • The New Artist Album Thread

Homegrove Enjoying the new album after a few listens. Could end up being their best since Trouble will find me. Few skippable tracks and the duets are particular stand outs. Booked my tickets for Ally Pally.

From members of Paranoid London and the singer from Fat White Family -

Need to listen through. Heard bits and pieces. Some good, some not so good.

Bloody Dub Techno!!

New Daniel Avery ep from 30 years ago …

Excellent new single. Wasn’t expecting this or a new summer album.

    alistair Excellent new single. Wasn’t expecting this or a new summer album.

    A lol for the name of the new album!

    Nice jazzy drum n bass number

    New Pale Blue album out - currently not on Apple Music which is annoying as fuck.