seanc80 What on earth were you guys talking about for two hours Loopy? That’s a long time for a sick man albeit doing well at the time
Two DJ/producer types shooting the shit. Phil was never shy on words. It had been a while since we’d touched base and both of us were under lockdown and he was only allowed out to get treatments, so we shot the shit about music mainly and life. It was actually a pretty great conversation and while I didn’t know it then, I think he was saying goodbye to people.
So yeah. I watched the funeral last night and it was heartbreaking. Only 20 people allowed and under normal circumstances that church would have been absolutely rammed. It was surreal. The service was largely in Greek (Phil’s parents were Greek immigrants), but the eulogy was in English and it was clear it was written by someone who was very close to his accomplishments in music. His mum was in absolute pieces. 🙁
The online tributes I’m seeing from people all over the world is rather astounding. He really was a lovely guy.