Homegrove Received my CD yesterday and blasted it today, and enjoyed it immensily. Yes, I bought it twice. Suck it haters. I have also been daydrinking today. Not sure if that factors in.
Matty Did you buy it twice to enjoy throwing it away doubly ? or are you just looking for matching book ends. not sure what you’re drinking ? ! Meths ?
alistair I think it will endure. The individual tracks don’t age when they are melded together with such skill. Dynamic and funky techno interspersed with his own tracks at exactly the right moments make it an excellent listen. I saw Voorn for the first time last NYE at Fabric and he is a class DJ.
Mad_Cyril alistair Interesting that endure has two meanings. Meanings that neatly sum up yours and mine opposing opinions of Voorns GU; Suffer (something painful or difficult) Remain in existence; last.
jonattonyeah Voorn seems to me to be like math formula music. “This track is C Major this other one A Minor beep boop beep boop beep boop boop….mix”. It might sound okay but I never feel like there’s any edge or dynamism or spontaneity.
jonattonyeah bosstrabs I’m almost done, my man. Work has just been crazy the past fortnight or so. I have #1 and #52 in the books. Most of the rest are sorted. Just a few in the top 10 that need arranging. I’m taking this very, very seriously.
alistair Mad_Cyril Opinions…Interesting that it appears to have split the board right down the middle. Did you listen to it all the way through? I own many enduring albums that I didn’t like the first time I heard them.