rhouses I was just cleaning up the music downloads on my iPhone and gave Tom Mangan - Chutney (Size 9 Reinterpretation) a listen. Tears the roof off.
rhouses alistair Good call for the original. The Gardner mix is a monster as well. Fuck Max Graham, who threw a hissy fit when I told him he was a bit trancey in an interview.
Old-Dutch rhouses Fuck Max Graham, who threw a hissy fit when I told him he was a bit trancey in an interview. LOL. Full deets please, Rhouses
rhouses Old-Dutch haha. It was all over email, not a face to face. Added a question about how he was a prog legend but was now playing heavy trance sets, and if that was a bit of a bandwagon jump, alluding it might have been more lucrative for him. Got really snide over email and refused to answer the rest of the questions.
rhouses LT42 Never really listened to much of his stuff if I’m being honest. Beside that one legendary Transport mixed CD and a couple of his singles. He came down to India, around 2009-2010 (?), and it was full blown trance.
nicksneddon dont know if Backstabber by DJ Remy has already been mentioned, however if it hasnt you’re all wrong
benson alistair Stoppage time transports me straight back to the heaven dancefloor. Still a great track
bosstrabs bosstrabs Still stand by this selection. The epitome of peak time prog. Unbelievable on a big system.