bosstrabs Unbroken1 Always thought Tyrantanic was probably Breeder’s weakest tune. This was an underrated beast from Rowan Blades. A peak-time prog banger that I didn’t hear out enough…
jonattonyeah Alright I’m going to try and dig through these, pick 10 or so, and throw up a poll. Lock the thread when you can mods! I think we have enough to choose from.
bosstrabs zackster This is not PEAK TIME POWER PROG, this is ambient compared to the demolishers being posted here.
bosstrabs Where’s your 2005 Essential Mixes thread, Pondwater? You’re losing your focus, man. There are enough of these peak-time power prog threads already, one pops up about once a quarter.
jonattonyeah bosstrabs There are enough of these peak-time power prog threads already Well I need one for my stupid Beatport genre request that won’t be approved. Hopefully we can then put it to rest.
zackster bosstrabs ah shit, i mixed that one up with “west of 27th” again. always struggled to distinguish between the two.