Fuck me, the government have extended the furlough scheme til October - that, more than anything has given me the fear - the expense and the expectation alone…

Isn’t there some nuance where employers will be expected to start contributing to the cost from the end of July?

    vinnyt77 Isn’t there some nuance where employers will be expected to start contributing to the cost from the end of July?

    I saw that on BBC, not detail on the amount though.

    Come on lads, just use your common sense, eh?

    The World is rapidly turning upside down if Peter Bone is turning against the PM!!

    I have been amazed by how many bedwetters there are in this country that can’t follow simple fucking instructions.

    Perhaps I shouldn’t be, but it isn’t very fucking hard. Is it?

    Do people need the government to tell them what to fucking wear every morning??

    The absolute cunts at my local council have decided to open all the beach car parks. This despite Dorset County Council keeping all theirs shut. The beach is packed at the best of times with out of town day trippers at the weekend. I’m fuming at this decision. Muppets.

      Millsy The absolute cunts at my local council have decided to open all the beach car parks. This despite Dorset County Council keeping all theirs shut. The beach is packed at the best of times with out of town day trippers at the weekend. I’m fuming at this decision. Muppets.

      Could you not encourage them to vacate with The Merciless World of Trance 1 & 2 on a PA?

      they need to sort out antibody testing sooner vs later. it’s the only way we’re going to dig our way out of this in the near future.

        303abuser they need to sort out antibody testing sooner vs later. it’s the only way we’re going to dig our way out of this in the near future.

        Don’t disagree, would hope our chimps have a handle on it by now

        maybe i’m just not following along closely enough now, but i don’t even hear talk about antibody testing. either i’m just not paying attention or it’s going to be a while.


          Dunno about over there, but here the FDA decided to let the pharma firms just go for it without regulation, to speed things up. We currently have 17 different tests that vary wildly in their accuracy, not to mention price (Novel CV tests are free by law, antibody test are not). They just haven’t been reliable enough.

          i’m in canada and i’ve read a bunch about possible vaccines being produced at the u of a and usask, but i’ve heard nothing about antibody testing. i’m assuming it’s a technical challenge, but we need to confirm that it’s not mutating and that antibody testing will allow for life to move forward. closing the world’s economy indefinitely is just not a sound plan.

          The missus is following a Dr on insta (she’s into her fitness and he is big on that scene) and he is offering two tests: £100 for the C19 test, or £200 for the antibody test.

          Something is telling me he is profiteering?

          India and Turkey are tracking just outside of that bubble. Makes you wonder?

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