Along_the_Wire I wonder what excess deaths would’ve looked like without the fucking vacinne?
Dubman Had this conversation with a few anti-vax friends. They just go silent on the issue.
The point is it’s not only about “excess deaths” - it’s about QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Years lost). That’s the calculation the NHS in the UK use to work out whether certain medical treatments should be rolled out (under normal circumstances anyway).
10 × 87 year-olds each dying 1 year early is still far fewer quality life years lost than 1 × 37 year-old who has potentially lost 50 years. It may be 9 more “excess deaths” but it might save 40 “excess quality of life years” from being taken away.
I posted some research about a year ago on here which suggested that based on delayed cancer treatments alone, lockdowns were likely to cost a similar, or even potentially higher, QALYs than lockdown saved.
I’m not sure what the calculation would be for QALY on vaccinations, or if there’s enough data out there for it to be done, but the point is it’s not as simple as counting that if the vaccine saved 10 people but killed 1 that it’s prevented more “excess deaths” than it would have saved.
There certainly still hasn’t been enough discussion and research around about what the true negative effects of the vaccines have been. In many of the stories about unexpected cardiac deaths which get announced, it isn’t even always clear or stated whether and how many times the person was vaccinated and if they’d caught covid at any point.