Deep dish - mohammad is jesus (daddy cool remix)
Thank you very much
Deep dish - mohammad is jesus (daddy cool remix)
Thank you very much
Please, of course.
-si- Here you go - let me know when you’ve grabbed it?
Got it now, smashdad, thank you very much, mate. Appreciate it.
Moby Southside Pete Heller
The mix I have crashes my Serato every time for some reason
Old-Dutch Moby Southside Pete Heller
The mix I have crashes my Serato every time for some reason
I’ve got the WAV if needed.
Here you go mate, full fat
Nice one lads. It’s the full fat one that fucks it up for some reason. Tried with Nick’s dl and same thing. Weird
Hopefully works for you…
Did Sentre U&Me ever surface?
Nope. They also claim that due to copyright-issues they can’t even give it out for free.
Hasn’t stopped everyone else sharing their bootleg-remixed on Soundcloud.
Old-Dutch try unpacking it to a wav file?
That Sentre tale is crazy. It’s hardly going to take market share away from that silly doris. Be lucky to sell 2000 units . Not even allowing them to give it away. Bell ends
I’m surprised they even thought they ever had a chance of releasing it.
Cheers mate - will give it a go.
Still can’t find this anywhere, pointers appreciated