hugopal alistair they’re surely taking a massive risk with that lineup - I’d guess most of those acts are so past it they must be at major risk of covid.
alistair hugopal Past it? You’re having a giggle. Their best music is timeless. Stick to GU 13 😫 These guys are the real pioneers
hugopal alistair them having made some top tunes 20-45 years ago is not mutually exclusive with the age at which they are now. I can still enjoy GU 13 while also acknowledging that Sasha has unfortunately not been quite the same for the last 15 years.
alistair Those three great acts aside, you also have Hot Chip, Jon Hopkins (both of which are brilliant live acts) and others, not to mention Nile Rodgers and his band who are an absolute blast
Dan I’d love to see Underworld again. I’d go purely for them….hmmmm possibly John Hopkins. Hot Chip can do one.
alistair Dan I’d like to see Numan. Never have. Pleasure principle and Replicas are incredible albums. Pioneer
jonattonyeah Who are we betting the very special guest under, err, Underworld is? Darren Emerson doing a live rendition of GU15 with an orchestra? Prodigy with a Keith Flint breakdancing hologram? Dixon?
Mad_Cyril jonattonyeah Fingers crossed for Pete Tong playing Dj Misjah and Tim’s Access with 2 triangles, those knee-cymbal things and a kazoo
Jules72 Take it Scotland is getting the same access to vaccines as England… Who knows - if Johnson and his cronies don’t cock it up, maybe it will happen.
jonattonyeah Mad_Cyril Pete Tong playing Dj Misjah and Tim’s Access with 2 triangles, those knee-cymbal things and a kazoo Don’t be daft. If that was the very special guest it would be higher on the bill than fucking Waterworld or whatever they’re called.
Smallman1 If someone could pass on my condiments to Colonel Mustard and the Dijon 5 that would be great. Take my wife.