303abuser also i just put my discography on sale for 75% off this weekend as bandcamp is waiving artist fees on friday. in case anyone is interested. 😉
303abuser apyssjw the preview sounds good, i’m looking forward to hearing the rest of dream rabbit.
apyssjw 303abuser Thanks. That’s the track I pitched to spotify (who knows if anyone listens to non-name pitches!).
303abuser apyssjw i’ve had zero luck with official spotify playlists, but that doesn’t stop me from submitting still. i’ve found way more success with user playlists through submithub, dailyplaylists, etc.
303abuser Henry i like this one too, really enjoyed the space of the delays with the claps/percs up the middle and the wide hats and ping pong delays. would make a great set builder.
Henry Cheers lads. You say some lovely things to a middle aged bloke in the midst of an existential crisis.
apyssjw apyssjw Will check out your album on spotify. Ran through the album this week. Passage is my favourite, gets a thumbs up.
SM001 Has anyone done the Clarian run music course on Udemy? Or know of anyone who has? https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-audio-producer-2020/
303abuser SM001 i haven’t. i’ll watch tutorials on youtube if i’m looking for a particular technique, but i’m a fan of the trial and error method. i find it more fun that way, although it probably doesn’t help the learning curve.
303abuser free 727 samples … https://samplesfrommars.com/products/727-from-mars?_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjdXQub3V0LmFuZC5rZWVwQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogImNWSkZuNSJ9
303abuser here’s my new one, more slow-building dub techno. i wrote it the day after picking up byome and used it on pretty much every channel in some way.
apyssjw Now released. No playlisting but here’s the spotify link Byome looks cool - on the list to try at some point.
303abuser apyssjw Byome looks cool - on the list to try at some point. i have nothing but great things to say about all of their software. lion, triad, spec ops are all fantastic too.
303abuser apyssjw i like it, reminds me a little of microlith’s ‘dance with me’ album. dream rabbit is my favorite, along with the closer. you should be proud of this. 🙂
apyssjw 303abuser Many thanks for listening and for taking the time to comment. It’s 100% appreciated. There’s years of work in this music. It was worth it for me - so hopefully there’s something in there for other people too 😃
303abuser i released my album and another label single from back in may on bandcamp today and decided to do a sale along with it. 50% off singles/album/catalog with the code ekodust50off. feel free to share it. 🙂
303abuser apyssjw you’re welcome, it’s easy to tell you put a lot of work into it. and that’s kind of my philosophy as well, i make music i like, hopefully someone else does too.