-si- Apart from the filthy, milfy, spanish ma wanking off the priest.

It’s a sad day for everyone on here when a line like this doesn’t hoover up the first 10 thumber upper!

    6 days later

    -si- It’s a sad day for everyone on here when a line like this doesn’t hoover up the first 10 thumber upper!

    Only goes +1, no matter how many times I’ve pressed it (must be nearly 100).

    Fucking shambles. Maybe we need to go back to the old board.

      16 days later

      Da 5 Bloods, the new movie by Spike Lee, is now in Netflix. Includes the Finnish actor Jasper Pääkkönen, who played the psycho so well in Blackkkklansman. 90 % fresh in RT now.

        Dubman speaks the truth. Fucking woeful. I can’t believe that Spike Lee was behind it. It was like a piss-take of Tropic Thunder.

        There should be criminal charges for positive reviews in the media.

          Not just your list but Netflix as well. As soon as they met up in that bar i knew it was going to be shit.

            Along_the_Wire There should be criminal charges for positive reviews in the media.

            Some of the reviews go from ⅒ to 9/10..spoilt my friday night.

            Dead to me me is pretty good, well written and good central relationship

            Tick Tock

            Best show on Netflix by a mile.

              On reflection i’ve decided to upgrade my vote for Da 5 Bloods to 2/10 as i tried watching an even worse film last night called The Last Days of American Crime. It’s so bad i had to bin it after 20 mins. ⅒