Dead to me me is pretty good, well written and good central relationship

Tick Tock

Best show on Netflix by a mile.

    On reflection i’ve decided to upgrade my vote for Da 5 Bloods to 2/10 as i tried watching an even worse film last night called The Last Days of American Crime. It’s so bad i had to bin it after 20 mins. ⅒

      Even Mark Kermode gave it a very mixed review…. guess the quality of the film is why Spike Lee didn’t wait for lockdowns to be fully exited and cinemas to open (if you have a sure-thing on your hands you are going to wait)

        I see he gave it a 5* review. He must’ve dozed of at the start then woke up at the end.

        Dubman and that was on my list too. you’ve saved me half a day lol.

        Wally Most boss. Been looking forward too, though little worried it’s run it’s course already.

          Didn’t have time for tv before lockdown Dave.

          Too busy absolutely ledging it in the world’s finest discothecas.

          Dubman The Last Days of American Crime

          That movie sucks.

          Shame as the premise had promise.

          Smallman1 Parts Unknown

          Bourdain is the only celeb death that I can think of that actually bothered me. Seemed like he had figured it out after many years of personal turmoil. But I guess he hadn’t. Shame. I guess Kobe Bryant’s death, too. Just ’cause I’ve been a basketball nut since I was a kid and I don’t remember a time as a sports fan where Kobe wasn’t a part of it.


            Mad_Cyril me too mate. Loved the first two series but it definitely tapered off.

            jonattonyeah Bourdain is the only celeb death that I can think of that actually bothered me. Seemed like he had figured it out after many years of personal turmoil. But I guess he hadn’t. Shame. I guess Kobe Bryant’s death, too. Just ’cause I’ve been a basketball nut since I was a kid and I don’t remember a time as a sports fan where Kobe wasn’t a part of it.

            Seems like a troubled man.

            Can see it on the show.


            He visited a couple of spots some friends worked at in San Francisco (Comstock and Alembic being two off the top of my head). When the cameras weren’t on, they said he was more interested in shooting the shit with the bartenders, the back of the house line cooks, the food runners, over owners or investor-types. Had a genuine appreciation for the grind of the work more-so than the fancy outcome. Said he came across as just a genuine, curious dude who had a way with words.