Amps Smallman1 Dave’s correct, but, putting that to one side for a moment: When it’s your 10th flight of the week, there’s no lounge at the airport and no business class on the plane… everyone jumps in the car.
LT42 bosstrabs Apparently her driver was speeding/driving eratically and dislodged a cats eye that came through the windscreen and killed her. I’m no detective but I’d doubt it was the fault of her own driver, had to come from a car in front dislodging the eye and sending it back. I remember reading about it at the time and thinking that would be such an unlucky way to go, just after you’d turned up the music and horsed in a line too. Final Destination type shit.
Smallman1 Dan Flying cats eye smashed through the windscreen and killed her instantly. Lol, cheers SD, we’d already established that.
hugopal bosstrabs I noticed on Morillo’s wiki the other day that he supposedly sometimes played 30 gigs per month somehow.
Amps hugopal Have seen DJs claiming they played over 300 gigs a year and things like that… I can only assume they count three sets at the same festival on the same day as three gigs, every radio show as a gig, every time they sing in the shower etc.
jonattonyeah hugopal Maybe that’s why he got so rapey. 30 nights a month of Harry Choo Choo Romero and CZR tunes would drive me mad I do know that.
Old-Dutch Didn’t the back wheel come off the car driving Sasha to Gatecrasher from Liverpool on Millenium eve?
Along_the_Wire Old-Dutch The wheels coming off the night before often led to Sasha no-shows. The cunt
hugopal alistair lived 10 mins walk from Ally Pally at the time but would’ve been stuck in my room reading DJ Mag and gazing longingly out the window wishing I was older.
bosstrabs bosstrabs Steely Dan, the new Durgal Durgal was an Antipodean twit on the GU board who always stated the obvious.