Smallman1 Hursty You don’t need to understand it Ed, at the end of the day a currency has value and if a vendor accepts it that’s all you need to care about. Will it replace or even run parallel to the GREAT British pound? Me thinks not!
bosstrabs Smallman1 Will it replace or even run parallel to the GREAT British pound? Me thinks not! We should start a campaign to get OLB to replace Jane Austen on the reverse of the £10 note: “I declare after all that there is no enjoyment like BANTING!”
bosstrabs Reading is fucking daft anyway, when you think about it. You sit there looking at thin strips of tree marked with ink, and hallucinate. How weird is that?
Mad_Cyril Smallman1 Dave and his chums are a bit preoccupied
Hursty Old-Dutch Crypto is here for the future, the 3rd gen cryptos are using Proof of Stake algorithms. So short sighted some of the views on crypto, people will gladly invest in pharma, oil, multinationals which cripple the world then turn their nose up something they don’t understand.
bosstrabs Hursty people will gladly invest in pharma, oil, multinationals which cripple the world then turn their nose up something they don’t understand It’s not really a fair equivalence because they all produce items of value that are sold and you can read a company’s accounts or industry report to determine your investment decisions. People who are used to doing that don’t even know where to start with cryptocurrencies.
Hursty Can’t stress enough, do some research and start investing now, you wIll not regret it, I can guarantee. Look into Cardano and Radix.
bosstrabs Hursty Can’t stress enough, do some research and start investing now, you wIll not regret it, I can guarantee. Look into Cardano and Radix. LOL yeah, thanks for that. I’m going to take all my money out of property now and bung it in crypto.
Smallman1 Hursty Can’t stress enough, do some research and start investing now, you wIll not regret it, I can guarantee. Bernie Madoff’s in the house!
Old-Dutch I can’t understand why the need for wasting so much energy to ‘mine’ for bitcoin. It’s a fucking ludicrous concept not to mention the damage it is doing to the planet in terms of wasting energy. A load of old bollocks
Hursty Lol never ceases to amaze me. Crypto currency is not just Bitcoin . it’s like saying John Digweed is the only DJ, which is true for some people on here, but come on, open your minds.
bosstrabs Hursty Lol never ceases to amaze me. Crypto currency is not just Bitcoin . it’s like saying John Digweed is the only DJ, which is true for some people on here, but come on, open your minds. I never said it was. You can say “open your minds” all you like but you’ve still avoided my point - most people will not commit to investment decisions with such a degree of uncertainty around them.
Hursty It’s a digital store of value accessible to anyone across the world who has internet access not that hard to understand, based on blockchain technology.
bosstrabs Hursty It’s a digital store of value accessible to anyone across the world who has internet access not that hard to understand, based on blockchain technology. I understand how the technology works perfectly well. How about actually sharing with us your crypto portfolio and how much you’ve made, and what drove your decisions at each point? Instead of being a condescending fucker? Put up or shut up.