Funky Don’t think you can blame Elon after Saturday, Serious market manipulation went on with the whales and hedge fund’s possibly. Its continually scalped also unlike GME and AMC where holding and buy dips is the strategy.
Wally I’m getting sick of gamestop tbh - if it doesn’t pop by the end of June when those new regs come in I reckon I’m going to just cost average my way out as quickly as possible and leave a few grand in on the off chance.
Funky Wally Yeah i’m the same end of June, Looks like it gonna get hit on opening today again but i might buy more average down. Hopefully some better volume due to these dips. AMC is looking bullish could be one of few green today due to market being red again.
Old-Dutch Mad_Cyril Agreed - you could be looking like doing very well one minute and then Elon Musk can Tweet something that completely fucks you over. Too volatile for me
Hursty Ironically a mate just mentioned $ASS to me, first i’ve heard about it. This made me chuckle ‘FOMO into $ASS before Binance lising 🚀🚀🚀 !’ KuCoin for Telcoin… a right pain in the arse
Amps Hursty a right pain in the arse Yeah, thats what I thought, has to be bought with Bitcoin. Just about to get on it now. Not looking forward to it in the slightest.
Wally Hursty I’m trying to be. First transaction (on pancake swap) timed out. Second looks like it’s gonna go through though. Edit: Narrator: The second one timed out too. Any ideas Hursty?
Wally Huh, tell a lie - second attempt went through. Proud owner of 447,034,284 SPE tokens (about 25 quids worth). Fingers crossed the rest of the planet decides to buy in.
Amps Hursty Yeah, what is the link, what is this ‘Pancake’ you talk of? Where eggs involved? Does anyone have the Arris Andy pic? You boys need to work on your communication skills.