I’m still not sure how everybody can make money.
‘A’ mines a coin for electricity cost $10
‘B’ buys the coin for $15 - $5 profit to A
‘C’ buys the coin for $20 - $5 profit to B
‘D’ buys the coin for $25 - $5 profit to C
‘D’ is now holding the coin and $25 out of pocket. The only way everybody can make money is if it keeps going up. Which it cannot. So eventually the price falls. All that profit made by A, B and C is just potential loss for D.
The difference with investing in stocks in a company is that you are buying into what the company produces. The output from it. When you buy a bitcoin you are not buying into the bitcoin crchitecture, which has just become a behemoth of GPUs wurring away solving arbitrary puzzles. Similarly with Gamestop. You are doing it as something that feels like free money. And enough people are doing it that some people are riding that wave, but it is tulips. Nothing more.
This is just a bunch of kids who have learned a few buzzwords. Its like a much more positive version of a conspiracy theory, all half baked and thinking you know more than the big guys. Talk of averaging out is just a polite way of saying you have lost money.
Sure I’m pissed off I didn’t buy a coin in 2013 when I was reading about it and thought that looked quite cool, but no way I’d be getting involved now. Gonna be a lot of coin Bros camping out on venice beach soon imo.