I really enjoyed the Obi-Wan finale, despite knowing who lives in advance, it still entertained and there’s another ‘obvious in retrospect’ moment towards the end that I thought was quite a nice touch. Overall I think it’s the best SW TV series Disney have put out so far but then I thought Mando was average at best and TBOBF was shite. Ultimately, they got the big important things right and they managed to have a few touching moments and a few surprises along the way (all without cramming member berries into every shot). Sure the execution was rough (or deliberately aimed at children) in places but I can’t imagine SW is the series for you if you can’t suspend disbelief to look past them. It’s kinda turned me around. I was done after TBOBF but I’ll see what they put out next. I think S2 of this could actually work when I didn’t before. A charitable 8/10 for enjoyment.