Smallman1 Mad_Cyril Can’t get a decent crema out if it after a week of tweaking. A trip to the doctor’s it is MC.
bosstrabs Millsy I use one based in Flintshire, they’re really good. They don’t deliver outside about a thirty mile radius. Hope that helps.
Jules72 Mad_Cyril the Bourbon has a wonderful crema… not sure how long you’ve been doing this but it does take a while to get the grind/weights correct. I configure it all so ultimately I get 30ml (A double espesso) out of 18.5mg of grind… that should take 30 seconds approx to pour… keep at it MC - it’s worth getting it right 👍
Jules72 Mad_Cyril MC apologies I do this by sight.. just measured out a shot - you’re right it’s 60ml….. so 18.5mg of ground coffee, 30 secs of pushing the water through and around 60ml of shot end product
Mad_Cyril Jules72 MC apologies I do this by sight.. just measured out a shot - you’re right it’s 60ml….. so 18.5mg of ground coffee, 30 secs of pushing the water through and around 60ml of shot end product Up yours Grant 🤣
Old-Dutch Have never had a coffee maker, but thinking it’s going to be what I get for my 40th birthday coming up. Thinking of going straight in for the Sage Barista Pro - anyone had one / used one. Would you say it’s much better than the Sage Barista Express?
Dubman Old-Dutch This guy’s pretty clued up on all things coffee.
Jules72 Old-Dutch check out this forum - you will probably find views on there
Old-Dutch Jules72 Cheers mate. Never thought I’d see the day when I browsed a coffee forum. How times change
Jules72 mjh Ordered some Red Brick btw and using them at the mom….i like them… prefer the coffee compass beans but definitely up there