to get real top notch espresso you need a rotary pump machine which will set you back at least a grand.

Shark jumped here gents, probably best you all log off now and just pack it in.

    @Jules72#733 "_personally have a Rocket machine"

    yeah those are the nuts tbf. Kudos.

    Mad_Cyril Gone for the 2 you mentioned and Mediterranean Mocha. Look forward to getting stuck in. Thanks for the tip

      aye wasn’t cheap CJ but it has lasted 6 years
hasn’t broken down once

      Mad_Cyril can’t go wrong 
btw there’s a forum called Coffee Forums - i always pick up recommendations from there
 the Sweet Bourbon is a long standing favourite there

        I like (their Red Brick beans are great for the price - 350g where most places are only 250g) and a local one to me, (Shaka beans).

          Smallman1 Millsy, have you heard of the new coffee mail order kid on the block?

          They’re called ‘Get some fucking minerals.’

          Suggest you try them.

          This is still make me laugh

          9 days later

          Started with the Mediterranean Mocha to try get used to the machine.

          Can’t get a decent crema out if it after a week of tweaking.

          Looked at that site but a bit nerdy for me. Have a bean to cup and just want to press a button.

          Big tings being hoped for the Bourbon one 🙏


            Can’t get a decent crema out if it after a week of tweaking.

            A trip to the doctor’s it is MC.

            Millsy I use one based in Flintshire, they’re really good.

            They don’t deliver outside about a thirty mile radius.

            Hope that helps.

            Mad_Cyril the Bourbon has a wonderful crema
 not sure how long you’ve been doing this but it does take a while to get the grind/weights correct. I configure it all so ultimately I get 30ml (A double espesso) out of 18.5mg of grind
 that should take 30 seconds approx to pour
 keep at it MC - it’s worth getting it right 👍

              Mad_Cyril MC apologies I do this by sight.. just measured out a shot - you’re right it’s 60ml
.. so 18.5mg of ground coffee, 30 secs of pushing the water through and around 60ml of shot end product

                Is it just me or is it warm in here?