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  • DJ setups/Mixer porn/New toys thread...

mono-stereo …nice mixer, good sound, filters/EQ typical A&H quality, built-in soundcard v useful for Traktor etc. Looping works OK, but not sure why you’d use it if you have CDJ’s or Traktor as their on-board looping is prob better.

My only real negative observation was that build felt a little plastic-y compared to the 92, but not heard others really complain about this

    I have the DB2 . Stripped down effects vs the DB4 but overall had the thing for a year and just a scratching the surface. Fuck knows what sorcery you can whip up on a DB4. I used to swear by Pioneer mixers until I found a brand new dead stock 62 . Sound on AHs , especially phono pre amps, in a different league to the DJMs in the same price point IMO.

    Diggers has been using a DB4 for years. He’s probably the guru on it. Love to see him do some tutorials

      Unbroken1. Interesting, cheers. See what you mean about looping, although I like the fact effects etc are built in so you’re not reliant on traktor.
      Didn’t consider build quality, i suspect some of the second hand gear is starting to get a bit long in the tooth now.

      IndustryStandard Yeah i’m currently flogging my old Pioneer DJM500 which has lasted me over 20 years. Absolute tank.
      Seems like you can get quite creative using these things, like the idea of routing the same tune over different channels then screwing around with it.

      Think i’m gonna pull the trigger. 🔫 🤑

      …if its in decent nick go for it, it’s a nice mixer. Realise I didn’t mention the effects… they are immense, and quite complex, you can go quite deep layering them together and changing the parameters, I didn’t scratch the surface tbh (wasted on me as I don’t use ’em a lot anyway).

      There are some years-old A&H videos on YouTube of some techno nutter demo-ing all the effects

      …honestly can’t remember now mate, it was a while ago.

      If you are dropping that kinda cash, why not go for a 96?

        Matt they’re saying July. Now I’ve sorted the tempo settings, I’m well happy with the RX2. It was doing my head in previously. Still, excited about the XZ


        Nice bit of kit but i’m after a change from Pioneer.

        Essentially i just need you all to validate my impulse purchase here. 😄

        • Matt replied to this.

          Was thinking of buying a xone 23c for recording some vinyl mixes as I can’t connect my old numark mixer to my laptop. Is it a good mixer for the price as it’s a few years old now or what would be an alternative option.