DJ setups/Mixer porn/New toys thread...
…this is true, but I guess it’s their brand-styling thing and I don’t mind it.
Wouldn’t normally give a lot of credence to ‘audiophile’ cable claims, but the build quality alone on these things is fucking epic.
Agreed, the audiophile gang are a bit nuts, but a well made cable is a thing of joy.
They look too awful to even consider. I got mid level black cables, and happy with them.
…they are superb quality, absolutely bulletproof.
I realised I’d used the same shitty RCA’s for decades. Paying £100’s per foot of cable based on ‘superior sound’ is a nonsense, however, nice gear deserves half-decent cables IMO.
Midlevel is half decent I meant.
Do your controllers not come with cables chaps?
No news on my XZ, the bastards.
I’m a novice at music production but this caught my interest:
Any own or taughts on a db4? Was going to buy a mastersounds radius but then taught of a and h px5 now thinking of saving the bit extra and going all out on the db
Damo had one.
No complaints whatsoever. Great sound, the EQU is great curve-wise and full kill, the EFX has more options than I need, and the soundcard is perfect for the times I (now rarely) use Traktor.