Along_the_Wire I’m second in the queue for the next shipment. That’s the most unhelpful response to my question of when can I expect delivery.
Mad_Cyril Along_the_Wire If the next shipment numbers 1 can we expect you to go postal, falling down stylee? Seriously hate non-commital fob offs. Better to be honest. Hope its here soon
Along_the_Wire I’m away this weekend for a mate’s birthday in Whitby and I’ve got a right cunt of a week - will probably have to wait til next Monday/Tuesday. At least it’ll be ready.
baggers44 Along_the_Wire its a lovely piece of kit ….i need to work out the link mode - just great to have my 1210s available too.
Unbroken1 Heno …if it’s good enough for JD! Have a squiz earlier in the thread, think this mixer was discussed a fair bit
Dan SM001 With CDJ’s? I don’t get that…I thought you’d get the best out of the sound if it was vinyl?
Along_the_Wire The XZ has arrived. I’m out at my fantasy league auction tonight an all, what another kick in the plums.
Dubman Unbroken1 Flashing lights. MC will be beside himself with joy & bitter disappointment that he bought the wrong mixer.