Wasily I’m a novice at music production but this caught my interest: https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-audio-producer-2020/
SM001 Wasily I was asking about that in the Production thread. I’ve heard good thinks about it. Anyone here know anybody who has done it?
Heno Any own or taughts on a db4? Was going to buy a mastersounds radius but then taught of a and h px5 now thinking of saving the bit extra and going all out on the db
Homegrove No complaints whatsoever. Great sound, the EQU is great curve-wise and full kill, the EFX has more options than I need, and the soundcard is perfect for the times I (now rarely) use Traktor.
Theconsole I use this. I don’t know how ultra portable you want , but I was in the same dilemma as you. This was the only solution that worked. http://www.samsontech.com/samson/products/portable-pa/expedition-rechargable/expeditionexpress/
Dubman I got my xone 23c yesterday and have connected it to my amplifier but not sure if I’ve connected it properly to get the best sound. Do I connect my amp into the master outputs or the monitor outputs.
Along_the_Wire My fucking XZ still hasn’t arrived - fingers crossed for September. I’ll have a lot of tunes to choose from at least!
Unbroken1 Flares …Novation Launch Control XL MKII https://www.gak.co.uk/en/novation-launch-control-xl-mkii/911130?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2ciY2Oux6wIVhbh3Ch1EhQ86EAQYAyABEgID6vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Dubman Got a problem with the sound on my new xone mixer. All of a sudden i only get sound on the left speaker on the left Channel & Right speaker on the right channel. It’s all wired up correctly.
Dubman Unbroken1 Yes sir. Bought some new XLR cables. It’s working fine now. Got a feeling it could be the cables though. I did plug my old mixer in and that worked fine.
Dubman Unbroken1 It’s ok. I only bought it so i could play vinyl and have the option of connecting it to my PC. It is pretty basic though but it will do for my needs.