FabiParas Along_the_Wire Now you’ve had this a while, how is it to use? Thinking of upgrading from my Traktor S4 for something more plug and play.
IndustryStandard On a techy note, are the soundcards/Mixer components the same as the 2000s/DJM900 nexus?
Homegrove Along_the_Wire They claim it’s the same tech. Same tech, different soundcard. I’ll check.
Along_the_Wire Homegrove Judging by how difficult it is to find any info on the soundcard, I’d suggest you’re completely correct.
Unbroken1 …ace mate, does look huge, I bet the missus loves it! Are they Genny 8010’s? great little monitor’s if so..
Along_the_Wire Unbroken1 Yup! Yeah, they’re ace - missus wouldn’t let me have my M-Audio ones in the kitchen - too big and too loud - laughably, the Genelecs pack an amazing sound.
Unbroken1 …very familiar with them, standard kit in TV dubbing suites. Still (slightly) regret parting with my 1032a’s when we moved North
apyssjw Along_the_Wire I have a pair of 8040’s which I’ve had for almost 10 years. One of the best purchases I’ve ever made. I also have a pair of old yamaha’s (around 20 years old!) which are just so harsh by comparison. Far too big for my current room tho - but looking at other solutions. Was in the BT sport studios a couple of years ago and can confirm they have them in there.
Dubman Along_the_Wire My mistake.. I Could a sworn you posted something last night but it disappeared when I clicked on it