Along_the_Wire Doubt very many will buy the CDJ 3000s for home use. That’s what the XDJ is for.
DJ setups/Mixer porn/New toys thread...
I was planning an upgrade to the XZ this year. Its been put on hold due to needing a new laptop. Went for the dell xps 13. Expensive, but a great piece of kit.
Whatever happened to a 500 quid set up?
Kids these days can get a good start with a 200 € controller and a laptop. And build from that.
…give it 6 months, loads of people will have the 3000’s at home IMO
…actually this is a very good point, relative to what I used to spend across a year in my vinyl days, these are probably a bit of a bargain
Along_the_Wire I guess they give you a bit more flexibility on placement and what mixer you use with them.
Yeah, agreed on the costs of vinyl compared to digital etc.
Pioneer will have spent a lot of time working on that price point (the industry won’t baulk at it in the slightest, they’re buttons compared to some of their investments), they have a very good idea about what their consumer will and wont spend.
Along_the_Wire have you worked out how to use 4 channels on the Link to RB on the laptop yet - it is all a bit confusing for me!!!!
Remember the pages of deals at the back of DJ Mag back in the day, technics with an MRT60/Vestex/PA/Sound system ……buy on credit with about 30% apr. Entry into the world of DJing in those days was a very expensive business , and don’t get me started on import double packs bought just for a 3minute dub.
baggers44 Not yet, not overly fussed with that yet as I got the XDJ so I could lose the laptop.
Amps From the screen down, it looks so similar to the XZ
A lot of comments said why would you buy these, and a mixer, instead of a XZ.
Although I guess those comments miss the fact that the CDJ-3000 is not meant for home use.
Along_the_Wire is the XZ what Nick Muir is using on his Tuesday night mixes?
ScottBailey He uses the RX2
XDJ XZ? No it doesn’t.