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  • DJ setups/Mixer porn/New toys thread...

303abuser …I’m sure you’re right, everyone who’s used ’em love ’em. I’m just not that sure I’d go that deep into one piece of hardware (taking me long enough with Live!), whereas I know the TR8 workflow (a bit) and reckon I could get sounds out of it a little easier

    Along_the_Wire …these are the only bits I’ve released on my own, probs a bit dated now:

    …and with my old studio partner (also dated, but much better mixed!)

    • Dan replied to this.

      …apologies, should have prob posted these in the production thread rather than here

      Unbroken1 that’s actually why i bought the drumbrute, it’s so simple with no menus that it performs one task that i can’t change lol. i bought the digitakt for drums, but use it for so many other functions that it’s easy to get distracted. if you want to get into elektron though, the digitakt is a great start. it’s super powerful and flexible, but not quite as complex as some of their other boxes.

      …maybe I need to take a closer look, been looking at TR8s tutorials for a while now though, I’m also aware that they are a fair bit less expensive

      the tr8s is about half the price new, but if you can find a used rytm mki, it’s close and the digitakt is in the ball park of the tr8s.

      5 days later

      Unbroken1 Have released a couple of original bits since but mainly just edits/mashups.. have about a dozen unfinished tracks on my laptop. Am trying to get technically self-sufficient… not that confident with the more scientific mixing side of things but gradually sorting the studio out and trying to learn!

      If you have any questions, ask away Damo. 25+ years producing and engineering. I now do it for other people too. Go me.

      Dan Good little label Wez started.

      Wez sold it quite some time ago, sadly. The current owner is a bit of a pillock and refuses to do his accounts or pay out money owed.

      • Dan replied to this.

        I see MasterSounds have done a price drop - Radius4 just over a grand now.


        So these have an FX send/return. Would you be able to hook up a Pioneer EFX500/1000 ? Is there a separate blend knob for the FX and Filter, or does one control both?

        • Heno replied to this.

          …incredible value these mixers now.

          Filter (channel) is controlled by the HPF knob directly above the channel fader. FX goes through the send/return and there is an insert switch presumably so you can bypass it outright… the Aux knob at the top controls the amount of effect. Here’s a good little video demonstrating the Mastersounds effects unit, an RMX/EFX would hook-up the same way:

          Need to organise/sell some of my kit when I get round to it / have it all setup. Building a garden room currently thats going to be my studio / TV room / man cave . Have a DB2/Xone 62 and Xone 23 . No real justification of buying one of these apart from…….well…they look so good 😀 Maybe just the Raduis 2 for a vinyl setup!

          mono-stereo They’ve retired the DB2 and that was released after the DB4, so agree .

          Now Diggers have moved onto the V10 A&H have to up their game. Surprised their PX5 never seemed to take off. A few on this board had it if I remember correct and loved it. Looks superb but sort of lost the buzz around it. Suppose the 96 got released around the same time and punters went for that

          …the fact that its operationally almost identical to the A&H V6/S6 is why I think the MS Radius is such incredible value.

          DB4 is very long in the tooth now…. not convinced they will replace it tbh, I think the 96 offers the kind of flexibility that is much more desirable these days.

          PX5 is a nice mixer but so many A&H users mix with the filters, only having a single master filter is a real shame IMO (cue Hannu!).

          • Heno replied to this.

            Eh, yes I have the PX:5 and yes I love it, but I’ve always been an EQU-guy, mainly use the filter when exiting a track, to smother it out. Fuĺl kill EQU on the mixer is all I need.