-si- Smallman1 The old adage of you pay peanuts you get monkeys springs to mind. Total fiasco. And yet you’ve lived in your house for a year and still don’t have the home owners’ holy grail, despite numerous attempts and 1000s of pounds spent, a roof that keeps the rain out, you absolute onion!
Smallman1 -si- And yet you’ve lived in your house for a year and still don’t have the home owners’ holy grail, despite numerous attempts and 1000s of pounds spent, a roof that keeps the rain out, you absolute onion! I’ve paid caviar. And got monkeys.
Along_the_Wire Mad_Cyril Mine’s just arrived, I don’t care if it’s signed or not and am happy with the price I paid for it. Three things that’ll have Snorky hanging from the rafters
IndustryStandard No show in Kent yet. Plus I need to fly back in the COVID express to NYC tomorrow for a few weeks so won’t get my hands on it for a while . Balls
Matty Got mine yesterday with crappy printed signature. CD 1 is sublime. Soundscape. Reminded me of blade runner in places. Got 3 plays throughout the day. CD2 less impressed. Not so keen on the breakbeat stuff and didn’t flow as well