alistair Along_the_Wire it’s popular yes. But then so is Beatles, MJ, Bowie, Prince. I don’t really get your point
alistair Anyway, its a concert for me and my other half to enjoy and enjoy it we will providing it happens
Along_the_Wire alistair You’re comparing The Beatles, Bowie and Prince to Duran Duran and Simple Minds?
Along_the_Wire alistair I don’t really get your point My point is partly that Duran Duran are shit. It’s the ol’ Titantic lifeboat analogy - for women and children only.
alistair Along_the_Wire no, I am saying they’re all pop music, your comment suggested it was a low brow artform
hugopal bosstrabs ha, Tokyo is correct, but pretty sure you’ve got the second half of that wrong - there don’t appear to be any michelin stars in Bray, Ireland; surely you mean Bray, Berkshire?! (Bray might as well be a suburb of London though)